After all I could not stand it any longer with so much wood pieces in my utility room. So lets move on with the table project.
As we recall the january tile it is 300mm by 300mm as are all the other tiles. Working on only a single tile sometimes gets a bit tiring and you might forget your overall picture. To get on a bit faster and to provide a more in depth feeling regarding the upcoming historical scenarios I decided to go ahead and make 4 tiles this month... YEAHHHH !!!
So lets start.
Things used:
- Wood tiles (4 times) 300mm by 300mm
- Sand
- Paint green
- Paint brown
- Glue for river and lake
- PVA glue
- Flock and flock and flock
- irish moss
- coloured rests from the protection of the blisters
Lets start:
First of all I reconsidered tile one. As I needed to start everythere and end everythere as I want to be quite indipendent in allocating them I had to focus on the first tile.
Sand and PVA glue are the first to hit the tiles after painting with a pencil the general layout. Next comes the coloration of the basing colour. As this is wood after all you need to do that twice.
As there will be some sort of elevated field like a garden or anything else later on then switching the boards appearance I highlighted it with beermats.
Nest step is to ensure the river bed and to colour it slightly. Afterwards use this glue or silicone (the one that gets clear after drying to fill up your river. In real here the effect of the glue is suiting well enough to represent glistering water. So no need for special things or any special water effects that are way too expensive.
Flock and sand as desired. and have fun ! :)
All around Wargaming with Flames of War. Also Terrain Building, Painting and WIP/Tutorials
Dienstag, 29. Januar 2013
Samstag, 26. Januar 2013
Flames of War - Painting - How to paint German Winter Uniforms
Hi all,
after I got my latest shipment with all these nice winter grenadiers and assault platoons from Battlefront, I was looking for something on how to paint them properly.
I recalled the layering technics which I used on the last models I painted for my napoleonics and for Malifaux and how to build up a "white" colour without actually being tooooooo white.
The result was simple and easy.
I started out with my most infamous primer (as I have two different ones... I took the black one this time even if I wanted to paint WHITE).
After priming I put up the first layer and put the whole model with a watered down version of Field Grey . Talking about german infantry this was defo the best colour to chose.
Next step included a wash with light grey (and that is really close for my eye to white).
Afterwards I picked up my light grey colour and drybrushed simply over the model. As the light grey wash (if you do not have it do it as I did 5 parts water to one part light grey colour) does not fill out everything BUT instead rins down into the parts you probably never ever paint yourself with any colour this is a fair enough thing to get some colour in places never to be reached.
The drybrush in lightgrey is nice and settles down on the upper parts. The result on this is that the figure gets more depth.
After this step I painted free hands and faces and washed them with skincolour. If there is some color somethere else we still can clean up with the last layer in our white stuff.
Last Layer is Skull White .. simply paint the higher areas and leave some space for the shades you did upfront starting from black (primer) over field grey and lightgrey to this area.
Now paint the equipment. I do this with a bit of watered down colour... Why you might ask yourself ? It is because if it is cold outside frost somewhat settles over your clothes and gear (this includes rifles as well).
So I am pleased for now.... Pictures here:
Face Colour btw is Vallejo Rosebrown !
I love it then they look like being that pale.
after I got my latest shipment with all these nice winter grenadiers and assault platoons from Battlefront, I was looking for something on how to paint them properly.
I recalled the layering technics which I used on the last models I painted for my napoleonics and for Malifaux and how to build up a "white" colour without actually being tooooooo white.
The result was simple and easy.
I started out with my most infamous primer (as I have two different ones... I took the black one this time even if I wanted to paint WHITE).
After priming I put up the first layer and put the whole model with a watered down version of Field Grey . Talking about german infantry this was defo the best colour to chose.
Next step included a wash with light grey (and that is really close for my eye to white).
Afterwards I picked up my light grey colour and drybrushed simply over the model. As the light grey wash (if you do not have it do it as I did 5 parts water to one part light grey colour) does not fill out everything BUT instead rins down into the parts you probably never ever paint yourself with any colour this is a fair enough thing to get some colour in places never to be reached.
The drybrush in lightgrey is nice and settles down on the upper parts. The result on this is that the figure gets more depth.
After this step I painted free hands and faces and washed them with skincolour. If there is some color somethere else we still can clean up with the last layer in our white stuff.
Last Layer is Skull White .. simply paint the higher areas and leave some space for the shades you did upfront starting from black (primer) over field grey and lightgrey to this area.
Now paint the equipment. I do this with a bit of watered down colour... Why you might ask yourself ? It is because if it is cold outside frost somewhat settles over your clothes and gear (this includes rifles as well).
So I am pleased for now.... Pictures here:
Face Colour btw is Vallejo Rosebrown !
I love it then they look like being that pale.
Freitag, 25. Januar 2013
Flames of War - Resources - Dont like plastic, but need a cheap metal alternative ?
Hi all,
last days have been awfully busy at my place and now it is finally time to roam a bit more through the webspace to find something useful for my primary hobby....
As I already cross checked on PSC (Plastic Soldier Company) releases in regards to Panther Tanks and Soviet Infantry in Summer Uniform I still felt a bit uncomfortable on what to do now. Reason is that the bases are now awfully to less of weight and that it is over all simple plastic. I personally prefer somewhat metal as a miniature. After surving through the web I stumbled upon this fine webstore with a nice range on miniatures 15mm ww2.... lets wait and see what the order brings in...
My list includes:
50 Miniatures in a pack :
Germans in Greycoats (YESSSS Finally we are going for winter)
13,50 british pound sterling (as a special they have 20% off for orders before 27th of january)
Savings = 35 Miniatures (Platoon Size Battlefront Metal approx 17 Euros)
And as a test for my russians I took the smaller (get to know "Squad Packs" which includes 10 Minis):
last days have been awfully busy at my place and now it is finally time to roam a bit more through the webspace to find something useful for my primary hobby....
As I already cross checked on PSC (Plastic Soldier Company) releases in regards to Panther Tanks and Soviet Infantry in Summer Uniform I still felt a bit uncomfortable on what to do now. Reason is that the bases are now awfully to less of weight and that it is over all simple plastic. I personally prefer somewhat metal as a miniature. After surving through the web I stumbled upon this fine webstore with a nice range on miniatures 15mm ww2.... lets wait and see what the order brings in...
My list includes:
50 Miniatures in a pack :
Germans in Greycoats (YESSSS Finally we are going for winter)
13,50 british pound sterling (as a special they have 20% off for orders before 27th of january)
Savings = 35 Miniatures (Platoon Size Battlefront Metal approx 17 Euros)
And as a test for my russians I took the smaller (get to know "Squad Packs" which includes 10 Minis):
Anti-Tank Rifles
Soviet Naval Infantry Section (look much better than the ones by BF)
82mm Mortar Teams (x2) (means two complete teams in the pack):
Maxim Gun Teams (x2)
Samstag, 19. Januar 2013
Flames of War - Resources - Basing, Sizes and other topics
The bases are set up in the figures are three predefined sizes that come with the packages or the figures themselves.

An informative fyladio that shows graphically the bases we use or how to arrange the figures on the base.
Basing your army (pdf)
- Small base (32mm x 25mm) , infantry groups from 1 to 3 figures (sniper, observers, light mortar, light anti tank as bazooka, piat, pzfaust etc), Command teams and komissar.
- Medium base (50mm x 32mm) , infantry groups of 4 to 5 and figures support arms (infantry, cavalry (with 1 or 2 figures) and gun teams (with 4 figures except mortars).
- Lage base (50mm x 6 4 mm) , cavalry teams, gun teams, mortars.

An informative fyladio that shows graphically the bases we use or how to arrange the figures on the base.
Basing your army (pdf)
Freitag, 18. Januar 2013
Flames of War - Sales - Ebay Terrain
Heia all,
You always wondered how the things I do look like ?
You always wanted some of these things for yourself ?
You now have a chance on ebay !
Sales 1 - Set Doors and Frames
Sales 2 - Set Doors and Frames
Sales 3 - Set Doors and Frames
Sales 4 - Set Doors and Frames
Sales 5 - Bunker Normandy
Sales 6 - Bunker Normandy
You always wondered how the things I do look like ?
You always wanted some of these things for yourself ?
You now have a chance on ebay !
Sales 1 - Set Doors and Frames
Sales 2 - Set Doors and Frames
Sales 3 - Set Doors and Frames
Sales 4 - Set Doors and Frames
Sales 5 - Bunker Normandy
Sales 6 - Bunker Normandy
Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2013
Flames of War - Resources - Setting up an Army (How does that work ?)
Hi all ,
after my first looks at the books and reading through all the articles at first I was always wondering how you might assemble your first army.... so if you are new to the game this may be helpful !
Opening a Intelligents book will easily see that each army is divided as in reality in different units, tanks (Tank Company), Infantry (Infantry Company), Motor (Mechanised Company) and others, and Support Division (Divisional Support) which can take all the points. There are also other units such as cavalry, reconnaissance, etc. Parachute
Each section presents a battalion-level unit, which consists of the administrative platoon (headquarter platoon), the combat squads (combat platoons), the squads weapons (weapons platoons) and platoons support (support platoons).
In all lists, there are some sections that contain the necessary information we need for our army.
1. Historical Data
In this section you will find the history of the division in the war but also the actual composition .
2. Warriors
In this section you will find some "heroes" where you can add to your army at a cost of some points. The "heroes" are usually teams that have better features (special rules) from the rest of your power.
There are three types of "Heroes" :
Each division (the most known) in Flames of war has special rules that make it stand out a little from the rest, and the specific rules of the country where they belong. In essence it is an attempt to represent reality and what was the particular features of this that made her famous.
4. Company diagram
The principle of unity of power, we will find a table with boxes (chart) on the available forces that we can get this army. This table has three columns, the first column shows the Combat platoons , the second the weapons platoons and on Tuesday the Support platoons .
In all lists in Flames of war, each company should be erected around the administrative data (company hq) and two forced combat platoons (have more intense color). From there the rest is optional and you can only choose one platoon from each box. On some boxes will observe that there are more options than one, at this point we have to choose only one, concerning platoon of the box says (tank, infantry, artillery, etc.

5. Platoons
The platoon we propose the diagram we can find the same book on the next page where we refer. Here we can see the options and the special rules pertaining to that platoon.
Sometimes you have to be careful because there are some in the platoon supports gives us our list which are not in the same division, but in another. May have different ability (skill and motivation), this should report it to the platoon options like special rule.

The company and platoons characterized by two key features capacity (motivation) and education (skill) details showing how good this unit, which you will find in the top of the list at the top of the page.
Τα Motivations Reluctant, Confident, Fearless
Τα Skills Conscript, Trained, Veteran
6. Arsenal
The last section is a table that lists all the information on the factors of weapons available to the platoons. From small arms infantry to tanks and aviation. Shields, vehicle types or weapons, Rate of fire, anti-tank and more.
In the table there are 5 columns
Then fill the number of platoon (outside the company hq) and the total points of the company.
should always be careful not to exceed the points you agree, otherwise
if not you should tell your opponent to adjust his list.
In the last table should note the special rules that have the company and you're ready.
A very good feature of the game is that cleverly combines historical figures who emerged on the battlefield. Each character costs some points and you can embed on your list.
The "heroes" are usually teams that have better features (special rules) from the rest of your power.
There are three types of "Heroes" :
In 2006 published the second edition of the rules and issued shortly after the first intelligent book for the last period of the war (1944 to 1945 or late war) the Festung Europe, particularly in the period January-August 1944.
Since 2008 was an improvement in the appearance of the army lists in the books and starting, it turns out the new books and old replacements.
The next time I save some intelligent books that will complete the Late War (1944-45), is expected to turn his interest back to the early war in the summer of 2010 with an intelligent book that will be focusing on the invasion of France in 1940.
In 2010 took a conversion rules for the Vietnam War, but the project was limited to the representation of the movie Red Thin Line and will not go further in the words of the company.
Also in the near future (hopefully soon!) The Flames of war plans to deal with the Pacific theater or some other historical period.
Special Rules Summaries
In these files you will find all the special rules and t the Arsenal (players weapons and vehicles) gathered for each country.
A new trend has appeared in Flames of war is the battle of 600 points, with fewer units and more like a quick game that is fun break.
The choice is yours!
after my first looks at the books and reading through all the articles at first I was always wondering how you might assemble your first army.... so if you are new to the game this may be helpful !
Opening a Intelligents book will easily see that each army is divided as in reality in different units, tanks (Tank Company), Infantry (Infantry Company), Motor (Mechanised Company) and others, and Support Division (Divisional Support) which can take all the points. There are also other units such as cavalry, reconnaissance, etc. Parachute
Each section presents a battalion-level unit, which consists of the administrative platoon (headquarter platoon), the combat squads (combat platoons), the squads weapons (weapons platoons) and platoons support (support platoons).
In all lists, there are some sections that contain the necessary information we need for our army.
1. Historical Data
In this section you will find the history of the division in the war but also the actual composition .
2. Warriors
In this section you will find some "heroes" where you can add to your army at a cost of some points. The "heroes" are usually teams that have better features (special rules) from the rest of your power.
There are three types of "Heroes" :
A. Items assume the position of your battalion commander ( HQ Company)
B. Elements assume command in a platoon ( Platoon) and
C. Data is independent teams acting alone in the battlefield.
3. Special rulesEach division (the most known) in Flames of war has special rules that make it stand out a little from the rest, and the specific rules of the country where they belong. In essence it is an attempt to represent reality and what was the particular features of this that made her famous.
4. Company diagram
The principle of unity of power, we will find a table with boxes (chart) on the available forces that we can get this army. This table has three columns, the first column shows the Combat platoons , the second the weapons platoons and on Tuesday the Support platoons .
In all lists in Flames of war, each company should be erected around the administrative data (company hq) and two forced combat platoons (have more intense color). From there the rest is optional and you can only choose one platoon from each box. On some boxes will observe that there are more options than one, at this point we have to choose only one, concerning platoon of the box says (tank, infantry, artillery, etc.

5. Platoons
The platoon we propose the diagram we can find the same book on the next page where we refer. Here we can see the options and the special rules pertaining to that platoon.
Sometimes you have to be careful because there are some in the platoon supports gives us our list which are not in the same division, but in another. May have different ability (skill and motivation), this should report it to the platoon options like special rule.

The company and platoons characterized by two key features capacity (motivation) and education (skill) details showing how good this unit, which you will find in the top of the list at the top of the page.
Τα Motivations Reluctant, Confident, Fearless
Τα Skills Conscript, Trained, Veteran
6. Arsenal
The last section is a table that lists all the information on the factors of weapons available to the platoons. From small arms infantry to tanks and aviation. Shields, vehicle types or weapons, Rate of fire, anti-tank and more.
Order of Battle
How to fill the sheet order of battle ? Mesa's website Flames of War or last page in the book of rules will find a table (order of battle). It is quite useful to fill such a table in every game because we can write almost everything about our company.In the table there are 5 columns
One. platoons . platoon's name, singling out the HQ , the Combat , the Support platoons . You can also fill by how many sections or squads have taken and what weapons (if the options list).
2. Motivation
3. Experience (Skill test)
4. Command distance
5. Points
Then fill the number of platoon (outside the company hq) and the total points of the company.

In the last table should note the special rules that have the company and you're ready.
Heroes and Characters in Play

The "heroes" are usually teams that have better features (special rules) from the rest of your power.
There are three types of "Heroes" :
A. Items assume the position of your battalion commander ( HQ Company)
B. Elements assume command in a platoon ( Platoon)
C. Data is independent teams acting alone in the battlefield.
Intelligent Books
Apart from books circulating through the website of Flames of war will find plenty Intelligent Books for various armies in pdf. Some of them are officially waiting for a supplement to the issue informally and who have written some players are commonly accepted. It is quite useful to subscribe users to the website of Flames of war to get access to the forum and also to monitor the developments of the game and the new lists come out.At what point is he now?
Starting a few years ago with the first version of the rules, they released several lists for the first period of the war (1939 to 1941 or early war) where several lists were informal. Then after the first series Intelligent Books , came in the second period of the war (1942-43 or mid war) with the main intelligent books Ostfront for Eastern Front and Afrika for North Africa and Italy.In 2006 published the second edition of the rules and issued shortly after the first intelligent book for the last period of the war (1944 to 1945 or late war) the Festung Europe, particularly in the period January-August 1944.
Since 2008 was an improvement in the appearance of the army lists in the books and starting, it turns out the new books and old replacements.
The next time I save some intelligent books that will complete the Late War (1944-45), is expected to turn his interest back to the early war in the summer of 2010 with an intelligent book that will be focusing on the invasion of France in 1940.
In 2010 took a conversion rules for the Vietnam War, but the project was limited to the representation of the movie Red Thin Line and will not go further in the words of the company.
Also in the near future (hopefully soon!) The Flames of war plans to deal with the Pacific theater or some other historical period.
What army should I choose?
In the period of the Second World War are the strong cards and weak.- The main reason the Germans are considered one of the best armies with good armor and infantry together almost the entire period of the war.
- The Russians are the imposing opponent with hordes of soldiers and tanks.
- The British with their unique style.
- The Americans entered the war and later with their guns changed the flow of the war.
- Other smaller armies like ..
- The Italians
- The Romanians
- The Hungarians
- New Zealanders
- Australians
- Canadians
- The French
- The Greeks
Special Rules Summaries
In these files you will find all the special rules and t the Arsenal (players weapons and vehicles) gathered for each country.
- United States Special Rules Summary (PDF)
- Soviet Special Rules Summary (PDF)
- German Special Rules Summary (PDF)
- British Special Rules Summary (PDF)
How many points ?
The philosophy of the Flames of War is a Fast-Play or else a quick strategy game without difficult and incomprehensible rules. An ordinary match is a game with two armies of 1500 or 1750 points each takes about 5 to 10 squads (Platoon) . There is no restriction as long and the opponent has the same points, 2000 or 3000 depends on how large the army, and of course you have to find an opponent.A new trend has appeared in Flames of war is the battle of 600 points, with fewer units and more like a quick game that is fun break.
The choice is yours!
Flames of War - Resources - All books published - a List
Rulebook (3rd Edition) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() (3rd Edition). In this book you will find all the rules, missions and special rules of basic armies (British, Americans, Germans and Soviets). |
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The set Achtung! would find the book of rules on small size (twenty-one cm X 14.8 cm) more practical to transport due to size and weight. The only information it contains is not the Missions and Special Rules for the Army. Inside the kit you will also find 3 plastic sherman American and German 2 StugIIIG, dice and a 16-page book for a quick introduction to the game. |
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The Book Das , et a book so small in size ( 21cm x 14.8 cm ) which is easier to transport, due to size and weight. In combination with the small Rulebook will find in the set Open Fire, an ideal combination for our games in tournaments or generally outside of our house. Περιέχει Rules Mission, Missions, Late-War Airborne Assaults, Amphibious Assaults, Bocage Rules, Rivers Rules, Rules Fortifications, Street Fighting Rules, Total War, Complete Arsenals and Special Rules for Germans, British, U.S., Soviet, Finnish, Hungarians, Italian and Romanian forces. |
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EARLY WAR 1939-41 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The first official book for the period of Early war (1939-1941) is the Blitzkrieg , and refers to the Germans invaded France and Poland. |
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The Hellfire & Back , refers to the fighting in North Africa in 1940-41. |
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The Burning Empires out in front of Greece and Syria in 1941 also contains rules and lists for commando operations. Project: Operation Marita |
MID WAR 1942-43 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Eastern Front theater refers to the Eastern Front during the period 1942-43. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The North Africa mentioned in the Mediterranean theater of operations during the period 1942-43. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Mid War Monsters released by July 2009 and is essentially a book that refers to experimental vehicles that action or not in the course of 1942-43. Present 18 different vehicles that we can integrate our armies as experimental platoons and only for friendly games (The company tells us that these lists can not participate in tournaments and other official events). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LATE WAR 1944-45 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Turning Tide refers to the battles in France from June 1944 until September 1945.Perilamvanei lists of books Allies D Minus 1, D-Day, Bloody Omaha, Villers Bocage, Monty's Meatgrinder and Cobra where he replaces and many new ones. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Earth and Steel refers to the battles in France from June 1944 to September 1945. Will be released in February 2011 and will include a list of German books from D-Day, Bloody Omaha, Villers Bocage, Monty's Meatgrinder and Cobra where he replaces as many new ones. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Το Greywolf περιλαμβάνει όλα τα Intelligent briefings των Γερμανών, Ουγγρων και Φιλανδών από το Stalin's Onslaught, Hammer and Sickle, River of Heroes και το Stalin's Europe. Επίσης έχουν προστεθεί όλα τα Pdf Intelligent briefings που υπήρχαν στην ιστοσελίδα, κάποια καινούργια και μερικά από το Fortress Europe. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Το Red Bear περιλαμβάνει όλα τα Intelligent briefings των Σοβιετικών, Πολωνών και Ρουμάνων από το Stalin's Onslaught, Hammer and Sickle, River of Heroes και το Stalin's Europe. Επίσης έχουν προστεθεί όλα τα Pdf Intelligent briefings που υπήρχαν στην ιστοσελίδα, κάποια καινούργια και μερικά από το Fortress Europe. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Hell'S Highway refers to the battles around the cities Eindhoven and Numegen during epichirisis Market Garden. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The A Bridge too Far is the second book of the company Market Garden and refers primarily to the Battle of Arnhem. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The book Cassino a naferetai in battles around the famous monastery in Italy during the period January to May 1944. The book Cassino is the last line on the front of Italy . | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Dogs and Devils refers to battles Anziotis Italy in 1944. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Blood, Guts, & Glory refers to armatomachies around the Lorraine made between September 1944 and January 1945. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Ô ο Devil's Charge που αναφέρεται στην δράση του Kampfgruppe Peiper και στην μάχη στην Bulge στις Αρδέννες τον Δεκέμβριο του 1944th . |
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VIETNAM | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tropic Lightning Armoured and Airborne Combat in Vietnam (from WI 282) Old Books ! 1st Edition Rules![]() In the book outside of the basic rules , there are 4 basic lists for armies of the British, Americans, Germans and Italians, and refers to the period Mid War (1942-43). Alongside website publishing lists for the Early War , the Late war and supplementary lists for Mid war. After all the lists are withdrawn and issued the first intelligent book for their armies to specific fronts.
2nd Edition RulesIn 2006 the rules were adopted in the second edition, as applicable to today. These intelligent book withdrawn and replaced by North Africa and the Eastern Front , respectively.The Art of warIn The Art of war is a guide to montelistikos miniatures Flames of war on various topics that will pique the interest for more "montelistiki" work on the models.
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