Hi all,
after all these times I had a final meeting yesterday with the owner of the store called "Other Realms" down in Cork City. As he got enough questions about FoW by now I was asked to present some of my models and give a brief description of alternatives like PSC, Zveda etc... as well as a couple of hints on what to order for his first stock.
So the following will happen in a relative short period of time:
- Presentation of the game on a special designed table at the store on possibly like a saturday or sunday
- Presentation of finished models, armies at the stores special hall of fame board
- Demo games - the rebirth of the Cork Rangers !
If you want to have your FoW army ... try and go in and ask for what kinda army you are looking for !
Cheers !
All around Wargaming with Flames of War. Also Terrain Building, Painting and WIP/Tutorials
Dienstag, 30. Juli 2013
Sonntag, 28. Juli 2013
Operation Overlord - Battlereport - 17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision "Götz von Berlichingen" vs US Armoured Infantry St Lo Farms
This battlereport uses the starter box of Flames of War !
Elements of 17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision "Götz von Berlichingen"
US Armoured Infantry
From the diary of Unterscharführer Diller:
0900 hrs - The US boys wanted to suprise us this morning with a swing of Stuarts round the woods to their left trying to out flank my grenadiers on the right. The Us combat platoon opened up on my concealed troops and after a hail of lead, killed one team. They then failed to range in his 75mm Artillery.
0930 hrs - I decided to keep my grenadiers heads down, hoping they would stay alive longer doing so rather than firing back. My StuGs however fired on the combat platoon as one of its halftracks was clearly visible on the road. The halftrack exploded in a ball of flame. Our platoon also managed to call in an artillery strike from our command HQ to pin down their advance. And yes this works
1000 hrs - After our artillery strike the US combat platoon decided to mount up on their halftracks and try to drive through the woods. The Stuarts continued their end around run, getting right on the flank of the grenadiers this time.The air filled with machine gun fire from the Stuarts but amazingly the grenadiers all survived in their foxholes. This time the 75mm artillery did range in but failed to kill any troops but did pin down the platoon.
1030 hrs - I looked hungrily at the Stuarts, down the barrels of our StuG platoon and measuring the range, we needed to move slightly to get all tanks in firing position, (hull mounted main gun) . We also realised we needed something else over that side of the battlefield and advanced our Panzershrek toward to the right flank. Luck was not with us then the StuG opened fire at the Stuarts and simply missed every shot. In frustration our grenadier platoon on the left fired a couple of teams at the unmounted remains of the combat platoon but the firing pinged off the stone wall they were sheltering behind.
1100 hrs - The US boys get reinforcements on the battlefield. Stuarts raced past the grenadiers in their foxholes heading towards what seemed their daily objectives to our right. The mounted combat platoon edged into the woods, with the last half track bogging down in the difficult terrain. I could see from my foxhole what the US boys were trying to do; get my StuGs to turn to fire one way and present their weaker sides to his other troops. But there was not much we could do about it as my only platoon doing anything was my StuGs... all the others were cowering in their foxholes. In true John Wayne fashion the American reserve combat platoon roared onto the field of battle and took their objective on the hill to our right flank.
The Stuarts had seen the Panzershrek team scampering about earlier, and let rip with their machine guns on my command HQ. The only team that failed his infantry save was the Panzershrek team! Bloody typical!
1130 hrs - Time was pressing also... I thought about using my grenadier platoon on my right flank to close assault the Stuarts from the behind, with my trusty panzerknacker, but they failed to unpin from the previous turns 75mm arty fire. The American combat platoon in the woods was going to take forever to emerge, so I pondered moving my grenadiers from the left over to assault the Stuarts from the front but that I was sure would have been suicide, so they put the kettle on and dug out the frankfurters and mustard instead.
It all came down this turn, to my StuGs. Could they redeem themselves from the previous turns complete miss (Ostfront veterans my foot!) Again hull mounted main guns meant they had to turn to engage the 2nd American combat platoon on the hill objective, reducing their firing. Checking the hill , 3 half tracks brew up nicely!Yeahhh our StuGs simply are the best !
With this outstanding assault the US boys broke and started running.
1200 hrs - The Stuarts start racing for the hill to help their fleeing comrades. This looks ridicolous.
1230 hrs - With their flank wide open our StuGs make it a short exchange of fire. After getting this nice side armour presented by the Stuarts 3 hits score 3 Stuarts down and the US boys retreating. The day is ours again !
Elements of 17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision "Götz von Berlichingen"
- HQ upgraded to PanzerKnacker + PanzerShrek Team + 2 x 8cm G42 stummelwerfer mortars
- (Grenadier platoon (3 squads) + Command SMG Panzerknacker) x 2
- StuG G platoon of 3 assault guns
US Armoured Infantry
- HQ, with towed gun
- Two full Combat platoons
- a platoon of 3 GMC halftracks fitted with a 75mm gun
- a platoon of 4 Stuart light tanks
From the diary of Unterscharführer Diller:
0900 hrs - The US boys wanted to suprise us this morning with a swing of Stuarts round the woods to their left trying to out flank my grenadiers on the right. The Us combat platoon opened up on my concealed troops and after a hail of lead, killed one team. They then failed to range in his 75mm Artillery.
0930 hrs - I decided to keep my grenadiers heads down, hoping they would stay alive longer doing so rather than firing back. My StuGs however fired on the combat platoon as one of its halftracks was clearly visible on the road. The halftrack exploded in a ball of flame. Our platoon also managed to call in an artillery strike from our command HQ to pin down their advance. And yes this works
1000 hrs - After our artillery strike the US combat platoon decided to mount up on their halftracks and try to drive through the woods. The Stuarts continued their end around run, getting right on the flank of the grenadiers this time.The air filled with machine gun fire from the Stuarts but amazingly the grenadiers all survived in their foxholes. This time the 75mm artillery did range in but failed to kill any troops but did pin down the platoon.
1030 hrs - I looked hungrily at the Stuarts, down the barrels of our StuG platoon and measuring the range, we needed to move slightly to get all tanks in firing position, (hull mounted main gun) . We also realised we needed something else over that side of the battlefield and advanced our Panzershrek toward to the right flank. Luck was not with us then the StuG opened fire at the Stuarts and simply missed every shot. In frustration our grenadier platoon on the left fired a couple of teams at the unmounted remains of the combat platoon but the firing pinged off the stone wall they were sheltering behind.
1100 hrs - The US boys get reinforcements on the battlefield. Stuarts raced past the grenadiers in their foxholes heading towards what seemed their daily objectives to our right. The mounted combat platoon edged into the woods, with the last half track bogging down in the difficult terrain. I could see from my foxhole what the US boys were trying to do; get my StuGs to turn to fire one way and present their weaker sides to his other troops. But there was not much we could do about it as my only platoon doing anything was my StuGs... all the others were cowering in their foxholes. In true John Wayne fashion the American reserve combat platoon roared onto the field of battle and took their objective on the hill to our right flank.
The Stuarts had seen the Panzershrek team scampering about earlier, and let rip with their machine guns on my command HQ. The only team that failed his infantry save was the Panzershrek team! Bloody typical!
1130 hrs - Time was pressing also... I thought about using my grenadier platoon on my right flank to close assault the Stuarts from the behind, with my trusty panzerknacker, but they failed to unpin from the previous turns 75mm arty fire. The American combat platoon in the woods was going to take forever to emerge, so I pondered moving my grenadiers from the left over to assault the Stuarts from the front but that I was sure would have been suicide, so they put the kettle on and dug out the frankfurters and mustard instead.
It all came down this turn, to my StuGs. Could they redeem themselves from the previous turns complete miss (Ostfront veterans my foot!) Again hull mounted main guns meant they had to turn to engage the 2nd American combat platoon on the hill objective, reducing their firing. Checking the hill , 3 half tracks brew up nicely!Yeahhh our StuGs simply are the best !
With this outstanding assault the US boys broke and started running.
1200 hrs - The Stuarts start racing for the hill to help their fleeing comrades. This looks ridicolous.
1230 hrs - With their flank wide open our StuGs make it a short exchange of fire. After getting this nice side armour presented by the Stuarts 3 hits score 3 Stuarts down and the US boys retreating. The day is ours again !
Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013
Flames of War - Resources - Scenario Generator
Hi all,
in case you might , like me, hate it to scramble through the books I was very pleased to find a fitting PDF Document which makes it easy for you and your opponent to find a random scenario:
Scenario Generator
Hope you will enjoy this !
in case you might , like me, hate it to scramble through the books I was very pleased to find a fitting PDF Document which makes it easy for you and your opponent to find a random scenario:
Scenario Generator
Hope you will enjoy this !
Samstag, 6. Juli 2013
Operation Overlord - 17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision "Götz von Berlichingen"
With 5 battles won in a row and two 6:1 Points win we are proud to display a winning Division.
17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision "Götz von Berlichingen" displaying their medals of honor for outstanding victories at Carentan during Operation Overlord.
Display includes "Single handed Tankdestruction Badge", "Assault Badge" and "Iron Cross"
17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision "Götz von Berlichingen" displaying their medals of honor for outstanding victories at Carentan during Operation Overlord.
Display includes "Single handed Tankdestruction Badge", "Assault Badge" and "Iron Cross"
Campaign Book,
Flames of War,
Gaming Table,
Historical scenario,
Historical Units,
Operation Overlord,
Freitag, 5. Juli 2013
Operation Overlord - Battlereport - Carentan 2nd US Armored Division vs 17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision "Götz von Berlichingen"
2nd US Armored Division placed against 17th SS-Panzergrenadier Division "Götz von Berlichingen".
The Opponents:
2nd US Armored Division Tank Company
Morale Points Platoons
1800 7
Compulsory Medium Tank Company HQ 1x CinC M4 or M4A1 Sherman, 1x 2iC M4 or M4A1 Sherman CT 140
- Assault Gun 1x M4 (105mm)
- Recovery 1x M31 TRV
Compulsory Medium Tank Platoon 1x Command M4 or M4A1 Sherman, 3x M4 or M4A1 Sherman CT 275 1
Compulsory Medium Tank Platoon (76mm) 1x Command M4A1 (76mm) Sherman, 3x M4A1 (76mm) Sherman CT 355 1
Compulsory Medium Tank Platoon 1x Command M4 or M4A1 Sherman, 3x M4 or M4A1 Sherman CT 275 1
Medium Tank Platoon 1x Command M4 or M4A1 Sherman, 3x M4 or M4A1 Sherman CT 275 1
Sherman Assault Gun Platoon 1x Command M4 (105mm) Shermans, 1x M4 (105mm) Shermans CT 145 1
Recon Platoon 1x Command Rifle, 1x M2 with .50cal AA MG, 1x Rifle, 1x Jeep CT 50 1
- AA MG 1x add AA MG to Jeep
Rifle Platoon (1st Infantry) 1x Command Rifle, 1x Bazooka, 9x Rifle CV 200 1
17th SS-Panzergrenadier Division "Götz von Berlichingen"
37. SS Panzergrenadier Regiment HQ : Hauptsturmführer Fick Fearless / Trained 45 Points
I./37. SS Panzergrenadier Platoon Unterscharführer Diller Fearless / Trained 165 Points
- 3 Squads Panzergrenadiers
II./37. SS Panzergrenadier Platoon Unterscharführer Brantsch Fearless / Trained 165 Points
- 3 Squads Panzergrenadiers
Weapons Platoon:
17. SS Panzerjägerabteilung Unterscharführer Krowzik Fearless / Trained 135 Points
- 3 7.5cm PAK40
Divisional Support:
2. SS Panzerabteilung "Das Reich" Unterscharführer Aumeister Fearless / Veteran 640 Points
- 3 Panther A
17. SS Panzerabteilung Unterscharführer Langemann Fearless / Veteran 435 Points
- 4 StuG IV
353. Infanteriedivision Rocket Launcher Battery Confident / Trained 105 Points
- 3 15cm NW41 Hauptmann Brennauer
17. SS Flackabteilung Fearöess / Trained 75 Points
- 1 8.8 FlaK 36
Total Points: 1765
From the personal Notes of Unterscharführer Diller
0900 - Shermans advanced in a big group down the right flank and around a narrow gap by some impassable terrain. Actually a big mistake on the seemingly still green US boys as it meant only 3 tanks were in a position to fire on our troops. We are lucky that our Panthers and Stuggs are with us. They manoeuvred to better firing positions against the Shermans.
0930 - As the Shermans advance around my flank one of our platoons keep the rushing infantry pinned down and out of the battle, slowly whittling them down in the process. The Shermann assault our dug in positions and fail badly. Despite only having 2 Panzerfaust equipped teams the US assaults fail and the first Sherman platoon is destroyed. The remaining 8.8 FlaK knocks out another Sherman before it is destroyed.
1000 -Things get confusing here. One of our grenadier platoons is killed and the US infantry advances toward their objective. Nebelwerfers and my platoon shoot up the US infantry reducing it to half strength. Meanwhile the StuGs have arrived from reserve and have rushed forward to combat the Shermans getting through a couple of their barrages in the process.As the StuGs , Panthers and Shermans manoeuvre to get better firing positions on each-other the Shermans come too close to the our platoon.I jump up and my Panzerfaust takes out a couple more of them including the US CIC. This will fairly be my Iron Cross 2. Class !
1030- With their CIC fallen , the US boys want to flee and are wiped out by Rifle/MG fire from our infantry platoons. The single remaining Sherman backs itself into a corner even after destroying a StuG. The remaining 3 StuGs flank and then destroy it and the US forces with only their artillery left flee the battlefield.
Mayor victory 6-1 for the germans
The Opponents:
2nd US Armored Division Tank Company
Morale Points Platoons
1800 7
Compulsory Medium Tank Company HQ 1x CinC M4 or M4A1 Sherman, 1x 2iC M4 or M4A1 Sherman CT 140
- Assault Gun 1x M4 (105mm)
- Recovery 1x M31 TRV
Compulsory Medium Tank Platoon 1x Command M4 or M4A1 Sherman, 3x M4 or M4A1 Sherman CT 275 1
Compulsory Medium Tank Platoon (76mm) 1x Command M4A1 (76mm) Sherman, 3x M4A1 (76mm) Sherman CT 355 1
Compulsory Medium Tank Platoon 1x Command M4 or M4A1 Sherman, 3x M4 or M4A1 Sherman CT 275 1
Medium Tank Platoon 1x Command M4 or M4A1 Sherman, 3x M4 or M4A1 Sherman CT 275 1
Sherman Assault Gun Platoon 1x Command M4 (105mm) Shermans, 1x M4 (105mm) Shermans CT 145 1
Recon Platoon 1x Command Rifle, 1x M2 with .50cal AA MG, 1x Rifle, 1x Jeep CT 50 1
- AA MG 1x add AA MG to Jeep
Rifle Platoon (1st Infantry) 1x Command Rifle, 1x Bazooka, 9x Rifle CV 200 1
17th SS-Panzergrenadier Division "Götz von Berlichingen"
37. SS Panzergrenadier Regiment HQ : Hauptsturmführer Fick Fearless / Trained 45 Points
I./37. SS Panzergrenadier Platoon Unterscharführer Diller Fearless / Trained 165 Points
- 3 Squads Panzergrenadiers
II./37. SS Panzergrenadier Platoon Unterscharführer Brantsch Fearless / Trained 165 Points
- 3 Squads Panzergrenadiers
Weapons Platoon:
17. SS Panzerjägerabteilung Unterscharführer Krowzik Fearless / Trained 135 Points
- 3 7.5cm PAK40
Divisional Support:
2. SS Panzerabteilung "Das Reich" Unterscharführer Aumeister Fearless / Veteran 640 Points
- 3 Panther A
17. SS Panzerabteilung Unterscharführer Langemann Fearless / Veteran 435 Points
- 4 StuG IV
353. Infanteriedivision Rocket Launcher Battery Confident / Trained 105 Points
- 3 15cm NW41 Hauptmann Brennauer
17. SS Flackabteilung Fearöess / Trained 75 Points
- 1 8.8 FlaK 36
Total Points: 1765
From the personal Notes of Unterscharführer Diller
0900 - Shermans advanced in a big group down the right flank and around a narrow gap by some impassable terrain. Actually a big mistake on the seemingly still green US boys as it meant only 3 tanks were in a position to fire on our troops. We are lucky that our Panthers and Stuggs are with us. They manoeuvred to better firing positions against the Shermans.
0930 - As the Shermans advance around my flank one of our platoons keep the rushing infantry pinned down and out of the battle, slowly whittling them down in the process. The Shermann assault our dug in positions and fail badly. Despite only having 2 Panzerfaust equipped teams the US assaults fail and the first Sherman platoon is destroyed. The remaining 8.8 FlaK knocks out another Sherman before it is destroyed.
1000 -Things get confusing here. One of our grenadier platoons is killed and the US infantry advances toward their objective. Nebelwerfers and my platoon shoot up the US infantry reducing it to half strength. Meanwhile the StuGs have arrived from reserve and have rushed forward to combat the Shermans getting through a couple of their barrages in the process.As the StuGs , Panthers and Shermans manoeuvre to get better firing positions on each-other the Shermans come too close to the our platoon.I jump up and my Panzerfaust takes out a couple more of them including the US CIC. This will fairly be my Iron Cross 2. Class !
1030- With their CIC fallen , the US boys want to flee and are wiped out by Rifle/MG fire from our infantry platoons. The single remaining Sherman backs itself into a corner even after destroying a StuG. The remaining 3 StuGs flank and then destroy it and the US forces with only their artillery left flee the battlefield.
Mayor victory 6-1 for the germans
Operation Overlord - Battlereport - 101st US Airborne vs 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division "Götz von Berlichingen" - Battle 3
US Airborne: 1750 points
HQ w/ 3 bazookas; 2 platoons airborne infantry w/ 2 squads each; MG
platoon; Mortar platoon; AT platoon with 4 x 57mm; 4 x 75mm pack
Howitzers; A platoon of 4 Shermans of 2nd Armoured Division.
37. SS Panzergrenadier Regiment HQ : Hauptsturmführer Fick Fearless / Trained 45 Points
I./37. SS Panzergrenadier Platoon Unterscharführer Diller Fearless / Trained 165 Points
- 3 Squads Panzergrenadiers
II./37. SS Panzergrenadier Platoon Unterscharführer Brantsch Fearless / Trained 165 Points
- 3 Squads Panzergrenadiers
Weapons Platoon:
17. SS Panzerjägerabteilung Unterscharführer Krowzik Fearless / Trained 135 Points
- 3 7.5cm PAK40
Divisional Support:
2. SS Panzerabteilung "Das Reich" Unterscharführer Aumeister Fearless / Veteran 640 Points
- 3 Panther A
17. SS Panzerabteilung Unterscharführer Langemann Fearless / Veteran 435 Points
- 4 StuG IV
353. Infanteriedivision Rocket Launcher Battery Confident / Trained 105 Points
- 3 15cm NW41 Hauptmann Brennauer
17. SS Flackabteilung Fearöess / Trained 75 Points
- 1 8.8 FlaK 36
Total Points: 1765
From the notes of Unterscharführer Diller (17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision "Götz von Berlichingen"):
10th June ’44 – At 1000 hrs we deployed at Carentan City. Still outskirts. The City itself looks heavily bombed and we hear fighting all over the place. Attached to our flanks are the elements of the 6th Fallschirmjäger Division. We know what to expect. 101st US Airborne is located somethere nearby and this seems to get a nasty city fight. We are supposed to advance into the city and take three mayor objectives.
The 8.8 is in a good entreched cover of the city entrance. This will block the whole street that is upfront of us. Half of our attack platoons are located in the houses nearby. Our Panthers cover our left flank while the Stuggs are on our right. Nebelwerfer are deployed behind us and will move on after their first salve.
1100 - The first signs of panic appeard at the US boys, including front rank nurses. The Amercians expected us from the south, but we came from the west. From there, the US gun positions came under machine gun fire. When attempting to gain altitude again, they had the first losses.
1130 - A column of tanks and armored vehicles from Carentan approached our gun positions. They come under heavy fire by our 8.8., NW41 and the Panthers located there.
1200 - Through targeted, rapid fire shooting the 8.8 respectively takes out the first and the last tank. One of our Panthers gets a direct hit by enemy AT guns. The battle gets bloody. Meanwhile we storm an outer barn and secure one of our objectives. During this operation the 2nd Platoon Leader and half of his Platoon gets killed in the single handed combat.
1230 - The cloudy morning came just at the time to prevent any enemy aircraft for attacking us. The last remaining American tank fires deliberately takes down our 8.8. Nearly at the same time he gets hit by our Pak Team and explodes in a ball of flame. The enemy AT guns seem to be retreating.
1300 - What a hunt.. my platoon managed to come around the American AT platoon with their 4 x 57mm. Caught within our crossfire (Stuggs and Panthers on one side with us being on the other side) they are trapped. It is a matter of a couple of seconds to take them all down.
1330 - A lucky shot of our Nebelwerfers enable us to push forward. 2nd Platoon covers my Platoon as we wipe out the Americans at the center point of the city which marks the second objective.
1400 - The Americans try to push us off with a counter attack. Our Stuggs rush to our aid and the counterattack falters.
1430 - Stuggs rush forward under the cover of the remaining Panthers. The Americans turn and run.
1500 - we reach our third objective and secure it without any more enemy encounters. This is ours !
Flames of War,
Gaming Table,
Historical scenario,
Historical Units,
Objective Markers,
Operation Overlord,
Operation Overlord - Battlereport - 101st US Airborne vs 17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivsion "Götz von Berlichingen" - Carentan Farm Battle No 2 -
US Airborne: 1750 points
HQ w/ 3 bazookas; 2 platoons airborne infantry w/ 2 squads each; MG
platoon; Mortar platoon; AT platoon with 4 x 57mm; 4 x 75mm pack
Howitzers; A platoon of 4 Shermans of 2nd Armoured Division.
37. SS Panzergrenadier Regiment HQ : Hauptsturmführer Fick Fearless / Trained 45 Points
I./37. SS Panzergrenadier Platoon Unterscharführer Diller Fearless / Trained 165 Points
- 3 Squads Panzergrenadiers
II./37. SS Panzergrenadier Platoon Unterscharführer Brantsch Fearless / Trained 165 Points
- 3 Squads Panzergrenadiers
Weapons Platoon:
17. SS Panzerjägerabteilung Unterscharführer Krowzik Fearless / Trained 135 Points
- 3 7.5cm PAK40
Divisional Support:
2. SS Panzerabteilung "Das Reich" Unterscharführer Aumeister Fearless / Veteran 640 Points
- 3 Panther A
17. SS Panzerabteilung Unterscharführer Langemann Fearless / Veteran 435 Points
- 4 StuG IV
353. Infanteriedivision Rocket Launcher Battery Confident / Trained 105 Points
- 3 15cm NW41 Hauptmann Brennauer
17. SS Flackabteilung Fearöess / Trained 75 Points
- 1 8.8 FlaK 36
Total Points: 1765
Mission : Seize and Hold
From the notes of Unterscharführer Diller (17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision "Götz von Berlichingen":
9th June ’44 – At 1200 hrs after taking this awful Farm in the morning our next mission was to hold our position as the 6th Fallschirmjägerdivision engaged the US Parachuters in Carentan. The Farm itself was a mayor place for collecting prisoners of war as well as the mayor place to take care of the wounded. Red Cross Cars venture for and forth our position. Recce told us that a tank company outflanked Carentan and are approaching our positions. Everyone is in uproar evacuating the wounded. We are supposed to hold our position till everyone is well evacuated.
1400 – We are finished with our defensive position. This includes mines and nasty surprises for the approaching tanks. The 8.8. is located in the ruins of the former outbuilding in the expected movement path of the enemy. Everyone is dig in and in cover. We also managed to soak a couple of hay stacks with gasoline which will give us extra cover. We need to seperate the infantry from the tanks first. After the tanks are blinded our hour will come along.
1430 – We entered the forefront entrenchments as we can already hear the approaching tanks. They drive slowly. From the distance we can see how inapt these recruits seem to be as they are still driving with opened tanks.
1445 - 8.8 Flak did a hell of a great job. One lucky shot downed the first tank in line of the small road which now blocks movement of all other tanks behind. No chance to go through the high bockage till this vehicle is moved from the street. I can not believe our luck here.
1500 - We open fire from our entrenched positions on the US infantry who try to bail the tank from the streets. They fall like flies. Boccage and entrenched positions secure our day.
1510 - The tank explodes in a huge ball of fire and steel and leaves a huge crater on the road. The US boys scramble for cover. The tanks start advancing on us again.
1530 - We set the hay stacks on fire and let them roll between the advancing tanks and infantry. Chaos seems to break out. 8.8 cant fire anylonger. We advance to knock out the tanks in the confusion. One of our squads is overrolled by the Shermans in the fog. The screams are horrible.
1545 - I defeated a tank in single handed combat by jumping on its back and used a bundle of hand granates on its back. The thing blew up due to the burning oil afterwards. Our MGs meanwhile pin the Infantry down. Nebelwerfers start firing from behind the barn.
1600 - Devestation of the US starts when tank number 3 and 4 get each a direct hit by the Nebelwerfers.With "Hurrrraaaaa" we storm towards the remaining infantry. Their AT and Artillery did not do a shot by now in fear of hitting their own. Infantry cant stand our charge and starts abandoning their positions.
1615 - Their AT and Artillery stops our persuit. Stugg and Panthers crash forward to no avail. This barrage stops any movement forward.
1630 - The farm is still ours. Remaining infantry retreated and with it the AT and Artillery.
1700 - We are rallied now. Only my platoon is left and in the wake of the AT and Artillery barrage we also lost 2 Panthers and a Stugg. Hope we will get some reinforcements soon.
Campaign Book,
Flames of War,
Historical scenario,
Historical Units,
Objective Markers,
Operation Overlord,
Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013
Operation Overlord - Battlereport - 101st Airborne (US) vs 17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision "Götz von Berlichingen"
In regards to Operation Overlord the first Battlereport :
Alpha Company, 101st Airborne vs. 17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision Götz von Berlichingen
United States 101st Airborne
A, 101 TO&E Points
HQ – CDR, 2IC, 2 Bazookas and a sniper 120
1st Platoon – 7 R/MG + Bazooka + 60mm mortar 265
2nd Platoon – 7 R/MG + Bazooka + 60mm mortar 265
3rd Platoon - 7R/MG + Bazooka + 60mm mortar 265
Airborne Divisional Recon Platoon – 4 .50 cal Recon Jeep 110
Para Field Artillery Battery – CDR + Staff + Observer + 4 75mm Guns 135
Airborne Anti-aircraft Platoon – CMD + 4 M2 .50cal AA gun 95
Airborne Engr Platoon – CMD + 4 Rifle + 2 LMG + 2 Baz + Supply 275
Glider Anti-Tank Platoon – CMD + 4 57mm Guns 85
Limited P-47 150
Total 1765
37. SS Panzergrenadier Regiment HQ : Hauptsturmführer Fick Fearless / Trained 45 Points
I./37. SS Panzergrenadier Platoon Unterscharführer Diller Fearless / Trained 165 Points
- 3 Squads Panzergrenadiers
II./37. SS Panzergrenadier Platoon Unterscharführer Brantsch Fearless / Trained 165 Points
- 3 Squads Panzergrenadiers
Weapons Platoon:
17. SS Panzerjägerabteilung Unterscharführer Krowzik Fearless / Trained 135 Points
- 3 7.5cm PAK40
Divisional Support:
2. SS Panzerabteilung "Das Reich" Unterscharführer Aumeister Fearless / Veteran 640 Points
- 3 Panther A
17. SS Panzerabteilung Unterscharführer Langemann Fearless / Veteran 435 Points
- 4 StuG IV
353. Infanteriedivision Rocket Launcher Battery Confident / Trained 105 Points
- 3 15cm NW41 Hauptmann Brennauer
17. SS Flackabteilung Fearöess / Trained 75 Points
- 1 8.8 FlaK 36
Total Points: 1765
Mission : Seize and Hold
From the notes of Unterscharführer Diller (17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision "Götz von Berlichingen":
9th June ’44 – At 0200 hrs We are mauled into our tanks and every vehicle that is available. Our mission is to engage the enemy of 101st airborn around Carentean. Supported by the remaining members of 6th Fallschirmjäger under General von der Heydte.
0400 – Convoy is stopped near a hill and barn which is seems to be our objective. The trees around the boccage seem to be infected with US Sharpshooters which claim a couple of casualties on our side. We hide behind the boccage, unable to move forward.
0430 – 8.8. Flak arrives and cheerfully engages the sharpshooters in the trees. After a short but bloody battle we finally charge with "hurraaaaaa" on top of the remaining survivors. During the fighting we surprise a platoon of US parachuters covering behind the boccage. In a full front assault we engage them in single handed combat. They root and the survivours surrender to us.
0500 – The next row of boccage is hold by a platoon of US parachuters again. From their fighting experience I guess them being trained recruits.They just are about to move their arti into cover as we charge them. Our Stuggs support this attack and the enemy falls back to the large farm on top of this bloody hill. Carentean is nearly in sight.
0515 – Someone must have had a radio up there, because with first daylight the US air suppport drops in and eleminates one of our three Panthers who just rolled up towards the hill.
0530 – Bloody fighting errupts as our Stuggs who try to encircle the farm meet a US recce plattoon. Leaving two Stuggs burning and the US boys on the run back home. We are sending one more Infantry plattoon to at least cover the last Stugg. The air smells of burned flesh. Meanwhile our 8.8. tries to get hold of the US Air Support.
0545 - I pushed my men forward up that hill in hope that the battle of the Stuggs against US recce as well as the flaming lights of the firing 8.8. holds of the US Air support. Second platoon also makes a deversive attack against one of the three buildings. Looks like being a main house, a barn and a second larger house. They encounter heavy fire from at least three MG being hidden within the buildings. A deadly crossfire. Our MG are answering the calls as are the guns of the Panther.
0600 – The 8.8 takes down one of the US Aircrafts which seemingly suicidically crashes down on the 8.8 killing everyone straight away. Poor souls. Our Panther approach is stopped by some more AT units located in well hidden positions on top of the hill. Our approach to the first house in cover of boccage was unnoticed. With a swift sweep we clean up the house and with one of the US heavy MGs we silence the AT station hidden near the barn.
0615 – Their engineers try to throw us out of our building but are stopped by swiftly called Nebelwerfer fire. Jesus.. what a slaugther. One of the Nebelwerfers also scores a direct hit to the second building which collapses burying half of the americans in it. The barn seems to be a red cross area. We leave them alone.
0630 – The US commander watched as his boys died bravely. We consolidated our positions around the hill and in the building we occupy. With his last surviving men he unconditionally surrenders, leaving us the field.
0700- We secure the place and await our new orders.
Alpha Company, 101st Airborne vs. 17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision Götz von Berlichingen
United States 101st Airborne
A, 101 TO&E Points
HQ – CDR, 2IC, 2 Bazookas and a sniper 120
1st Platoon – 7 R/MG + Bazooka + 60mm mortar 265
2nd Platoon – 7 R/MG + Bazooka + 60mm mortar 265
3rd Platoon - 7R/MG + Bazooka + 60mm mortar 265
Airborne Divisional Recon Platoon – 4 .50 cal Recon Jeep 110
Para Field Artillery Battery – CDR + Staff + Observer + 4 75mm Guns 135
Airborne Anti-aircraft Platoon – CMD + 4 M2 .50cal AA gun 95
Airborne Engr Platoon – CMD + 4 Rifle + 2 LMG + 2 Baz + Supply 275
Glider Anti-Tank Platoon – CMD + 4 57mm Guns 85
Limited P-47 150
Total 1765
37. SS Panzergrenadier Regiment HQ : Hauptsturmführer Fick Fearless / Trained 45 Points
I./37. SS Panzergrenadier Platoon Unterscharführer Diller Fearless / Trained 165 Points
- 3 Squads Panzergrenadiers
II./37. SS Panzergrenadier Platoon Unterscharführer Brantsch Fearless / Trained 165 Points
- 3 Squads Panzergrenadiers
Weapons Platoon:
17. SS Panzerjägerabteilung Unterscharführer Krowzik Fearless / Trained 135 Points
- 3 7.5cm PAK40
Divisional Support:
2. SS Panzerabteilung "Das Reich" Unterscharführer Aumeister Fearless / Veteran 640 Points
- 3 Panther A
17. SS Panzerabteilung Unterscharführer Langemann Fearless / Veteran 435 Points
- 4 StuG IV
353. Infanteriedivision Rocket Launcher Battery Confident / Trained 105 Points
- 3 15cm NW41 Hauptmann Brennauer
17. SS Flackabteilung Fearöess / Trained 75 Points
- 1 8.8 FlaK 36
Total Points: 1765
Mission : Seize and Hold
From the notes of Unterscharführer Diller (17th SS-Panzergrenadierdivision "Götz von Berlichingen":
9th June ’44 – At 0200 hrs We are mauled into our tanks and every vehicle that is available. Our mission is to engage the enemy of 101st airborn around Carentean. Supported by the remaining members of 6th Fallschirmjäger under General von der Heydte.
0400 – Convoy is stopped near a hill and barn which is seems to be our objective. The trees around the boccage seem to be infected with US Sharpshooters which claim a couple of casualties on our side. We hide behind the boccage, unable to move forward.
0430 – 8.8. Flak arrives and cheerfully engages the sharpshooters in the trees. After a short but bloody battle we finally charge with "hurraaaaaa" on top of the remaining survivors. During the fighting we surprise a platoon of US parachuters covering behind the boccage. In a full front assault we engage them in single handed combat. They root and the survivours surrender to us.
0500 – The next row of boccage is hold by a platoon of US parachuters again. From their fighting experience I guess them being trained recruits.They just are about to move their arti into cover as we charge them. Our Stuggs support this attack and the enemy falls back to the large farm on top of this bloody hill. Carentean is nearly in sight.
0515 – Someone must have had a radio up there, because with first daylight the US air suppport drops in and eleminates one of our three Panthers who just rolled up towards the hill.
0530 – Bloody fighting errupts as our Stuggs who try to encircle the farm meet a US recce plattoon. Leaving two Stuggs burning and the US boys on the run back home. We are sending one more Infantry plattoon to at least cover the last Stugg. The air smells of burned flesh. Meanwhile our 8.8. tries to get hold of the US Air Support.
0545 - I pushed my men forward up that hill in hope that the battle of the Stuggs against US recce as well as the flaming lights of the firing 8.8. holds of the US Air support. Second platoon also makes a deversive attack against one of the three buildings. Looks like being a main house, a barn and a second larger house. They encounter heavy fire from at least three MG being hidden within the buildings. A deadly crossfire. Our MG are answering the calls as are the guns of the Panther.
0600 – The 8.8 takes down one of the US Aircrafts which seemingly suicidically crashes down on the 8.8 killing everyone straight away. Poor souls. Our Panther approach is stopped by some more AT units located in well hidden positions on top of the hill. Our approach to the first house in cover of boccage was unnoticed. With a swift sweep we clean up the house and with one of the US heavy MGs we silence the AT station hidden near the barn.
0615 – Their engineers try to throw us out of our building but are stopped by swiftly called Nebelwerfer fire. Jesus.. what a slaugther. One of the Nebelwerfers also scores a direct hit to the second building which collapses burying half of the americans in it. The barn seems to be a red cross area. We leave them alone.
0630 – The US commander watched as his boys died bravely. We consolidated our positions around the hill and in the building we occupy. With his last surviving men he unconditionally surrenders, leaving us the field.
0700- We secure the place and await our new orders.
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Operation Overlord,
Montag, 1. Juli 2013
WWPD Massivly Multiplayer Tabletop Campaign Begins!
Here is the news for 30th June. This morning, a despatch was issued from Supreme Headquarters Allied European Forces, titled Communique No. 1. It stated that “Allied naval forces, supported by strong air forces, began landing Allied armies this morning on the Northern coast of France.”General Eisenhower delivered an Order of the Day to the troops preparing to take part in the landing which read in part “You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you.” His message closed with the words “We will accept nothing less than victory”.
The landings are reported to be backed by 11,000 aircraft and a flotilla of more than 4000 ships, including numerous battleships. The landings are said to be supported by massive amounts of reserves and supplies, assembled despite the resurgence of U-Boat activity in recent weeks.
Early indications are that the landings have achieved success, and that German resistance is weakening. Allied pilots returning from sorties are reporting tanks driving inland from the beach-heads.

Speaking earlier today, the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, stated that “Massed airborne landings have been successfully effected behind the enemy lines.” He went on to say “The landings on the beaches are proceeding at various points at the current time ….. everything is proceeding according to plan.”
All registered Campaign Participants may begin submitting their Battle-reports.
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