Hi all again,
after getting my latest shipment of houses for Normandy I finally had the time on painting them.
The cast was made of resin which is durable and takes paint easily....
So thats the job:
Paints used:
Primer - unknown company from my local DIY - white (I love priming white instead of black, the reason simply is that black really kills down most of the details if you are, like me, painting in some sort of twilight area. White is the better choice for me)
Citadel Games Workshop - Mechrite Red (Mephiston Red)
Citadel Games Workshop - Chaos Black (Abaddon Black)
Citadel Games Workshop - Macharius Solar Orange (Jokaero Orange)
Citadel Games Workshop - Codex Grey (Dawnstone)
Citadel Games Workshop - Skull White (White Scar)
Citadel Games Workshop - Tausept Ochre (Balor Brown)
no name Black Ink
Starting with the roof:
Mixed down Chaos Black with simple water to 75%-25% and gave the white primed rooftiles a good "wash" of that mix. The side tiles got a 50%-50% mix of Chaos Black with Mechrite Red.
Starting with the house tile:
Took the whole house with the 50-50 mix of Chaos Black with Mechrite Red.
Waiting to dry
Continuing the roof:
Fixed all roof tiles which declined taking on the Chaos Black - water mix from the first time. Fixing with simple black ink.
Side parts got a drybrusch with normal Mechrite Red
Continuing the house:
All parts taking a drybrush with Mechrite Red
Waiting to dry
Continuing the roof part 2:
Light drybrush of the red parts with Macharius Solar Orange.
Filling the windows with black ink
Continuing the house part 2:
Light drybrush with Macharius Solar Orange. The connecting parts painted with Codex Grey
Doorframe and widow shutters painted with Tausept Ochre.
Filling the windows with black ink
Continuing the roof part 3:
After the ink dryed the window frames got two layers of Skull white to get a clear white shining finish. Roof afterwards finished
Continuing the house part 3:
Highlight of the Doorframes and window shutters with a 50-50 mix of Skull white with Tausept Ochre.
Window Frames got two layers of Skull white (see roof part 3)
The connecting parts got a highlight with 50-50 mix Skull white and Codex grey.
Enjoy the result:
All around Wargaming with Flames of War. Also Terrain Building, Painting and WIP/Tutorials
Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2013
Montag, 25. Februar 2013
Flames of War - Resources - Propaganda Posters 15mm for free
Free 15mm german propaganda posters
here's some poster that can be used to put on your buildings just click on the posters and the save as picture, then you can print them out all good fun. enjoy!
Bolt Action,
Flames of War,
Historical scenario,
Objective Markers,
Selfmade Houses,
Sonntag, 24. Februar 2013
Flames of War - Resources - Buildings
Hi all,
after quite some heavy searching and doing some reading through blogs I finally found my preferred shops for buying buildings. Next step in evolution now is to build them myself, but that is something for an upcoming post.
So lets start of with my latest projects of doing some painting on my new bought stuff. So here we go with a nice Normandy village house:
You will find the website here:
And the second one is of course the famed Kerr & King:
Which you will find here:
Happy buying and painting :)
after quite some heavy searching and doing some reading through blogs I finally found my preferred shops for buying buildings. Next step in evolution now is to build them myself, but that is something for an upcoming post.
So lets start of with my latest projects of doing some painting on my new bought stuff. So here we go with a nice Normandy village house:
You will find the website here:
And the second one is of course the famed Kerr & King:
Which you will find here:
Happy buying and painting :)
Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2013
Flames of War - Historcial Scenario - "Operation Greif" - Late War Panzer Brigade 150
Historical Situation
Setting: Malmedy, Ardennes; 21 December 1944
Panzer Brigade 150 was formed In 1944 as part of the preparations for the German Ardennes
offensive. It was a mixed force of containing 2.500 men from all parts of the Wehrmacht, 1.000
from the Heer, 500 from the Waffen-SS, 800 from the Luftwaffe and 200 from the Kriegsmarine. Their
intended role was to capture the vital Meuse Bridges in advance of the main German force. Because
of the special nature of their operation they were assigned Otto Skorzeny - Hitler's favourite
special ops man - as commander and were more or less disguised as an American force. All their
transport was painted olive drab, with prominent white stars. The Panthers were disguised with a
steel plate in an attempt to look like M10 Tank Destroyers. They carried the markings of B
Company, 10th Tank battalion, 5th Armored Division. Some infantry would have used elements of
American uniform. Unfortunately, on the day, the Brigade was bogged down in huge traffic jams and ended up being diverted to another target - the town of Malmedy where the American 291st Engineers and the 120th Regiment of the 30th Infantry Division were stationed.
Panzer Brigade 150 contained three Kampfgruppe (X, Y, Z) but Skorzeny could only organise two for the attack. On the right Kampfgruppe Y (with 5 StuG IIIs) under Hauptman Schref confidently set off along highway N32 toward the town, but was halted by mines and fire from the defending 1st Battalion and their supporting artillery.
On the left Kampfgruppe X under von Foelkersam had more success attacking from the direction of Ligneuville. Foelkersam's 5 Panthers and two companies split into two columns when they approached Malmedy.
The main body with 2 Panthers attacked the road bridge which formed the weak junction between the 120th and 117th Regiments. The battle centred around a house containing the HQ of the 823rd Tank Destroyer Battalion, plus men of an Engineer unit and K Company of the 120th Regiment. As the German armour began to bypass the house the defenders were forced back to the road bridge and Paper Mill. A Panther and some German infantry forced their way across the bridge and overran a artillery battery attached to 117th Regiment. Despite this success a hail of American artillery forced the Germans to withdraw back across the river.
Meanwhile 3 Panthers and more German infantry tried to storm the Railway embankment blocking their route to Malmedy. Alerted by trip flares and aided by mines and artillery, the 99th Battalion managed to hold the German assault and eventually drive it off.
With all avenues blocked Skorzeny called off the attack. Soon after their failure Panzer Brigade 150 was disbanded.
Can be played on a 6' x 4' table with the long sides being North and South.The table is divided into several zones which are marked on the map:
- Observation Post (OP) on the high ground to the north-west.
- Tank Destroyer (TD) House
- Paper Mill including the nearby road bridge
- Malmedy including the embankment south of the river
- Falize
- No mans land - which includes the rest of the table

American Player (Defending)
To hold the Warche Road Bridge and the railway embankment south of the river.Forces Available
Elements of 120th Regiment, 30th Infantry Division.B Company, 3rd Battalion (as per rules including HMG and FO)Elements of 823rd Tank Destroyer Battalion
K Company, 99th Battalion (as per rules including HMG and FO)
1 x 57mm ATG
1 x 76mm ATG
1 squad per Platoon has a Bazooka.
1 x M18 HellcatElements of 291st Engineer Battalion
1 x BC (+1 for rallying and close combat but only for the BC stand itself)
1 x Engineer Platoon (with 1 squad having a Bazooka)Elements of 117th Regiment
1 x on-table 105mm howitzer2 x Minefields
1 x FO for on-table 105mm howitzer
2 x FO for off-table 105mm artillery
2 x Rifle Platoons
Any number of entrenchments required
Morale: Regular
Deploys first as follows:- B Company must deploy in the Malmedy zone
- K Company must deploy in the Paper Mill zone
- One ATG must be attached to each of B and K company.
- The elements of the 823rd and 291st must deploy in the TD zone, with the BC inside the house.
- The elements of the 117th must deploy in OP zone and can not move outside it - they only have a supporting role in the battle.
- The minefields must be deployed in No Mans Land.
NoneGerman Player (Attacking)
Begins scenario with initiative.Objective
To capture and hold the Warche Road Bridge and the railway embankment south of the river.Forces Available
Kampfgruppe X of Panzer Brigade 150 under SS-Hauptsurmfuhrer von Foelkersam.1 x BCAll rifle squads have early panzerfausts and one squad per platoon has a late panzerfaust.
1 x SMG squad
1 x FO for off-table 120mm mortar
1 x FO for off-table 81mm mortar
1 x MG Company - 3 x HMG
1 x SS Assault Engineer Platoon - PC (+2), 3 x Rifle Squad
1 x SS Infantry Company (as per rules including HMG and FO)
1 x Fallschirmjaeger Company (as per rules including HMG and FO)
5 x Panther Gs disguised at M10 Tank Destroyers
2 x Panzergrenadier Platoons
PC (+1), 3 x Rifle Squad1 x Schwimmwagen to attach to any rifle or HMG stand
1 x American M3 halftrack or Hanomeg halftrack
Morale: Veteran
Deploys second entering from the south through Falize.Reinforcements
NoneVictory Conditions
The game lasts 10 Turns (0600 hours to 1100 hours). Turns 1-3 are in darkness and Turns 1-6 in fog.There are two Terrain objectives each worth 1 Victory Point (VP) to the side holding it at the end of the game:
- The Warche Road Bridge (protecting U.S. artillery positions off table)
- The railway embankment south of the river (blocking the approach to Malmedy).
- You could also consider destroying the on-table 105mm Howitzer as an objective as well. Historically the Germans did this, even if they didn't achieve the other two objectives.
Dienstag, 19. Februar 2013
Flames of War - Project Campaign Book - Last days of Battle Version 0.2
Hi all,
the project goes on and currently the plain word document is approx 42 pages long and still does not include everything that I want to have in it.
Finally I also got a preview page on how it later on will look like.
In case you are curious just feel free to access it here:
the project goes on and currently the plain word document is approx 42 pages long and still does not include everything that I want to have in it.
Finally I also got a preview page on how it later on will look like.
In case you are curious just feel free to access it here:
Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2013
Flames of War - Miniatures - Parcels with "reinforcements" arrived
My latest shipments arrived from various won auctions at ebay.
So now I am a proud owner of:
2 T-34/85 obr 1943 Soviet Tanks
2 IS-2 obr 1943 Soviet Tanks
1 Platoon German Grenadiers (Winter uniform)
1 Platoon US Engineer Platoon
Several models from Sytex which I will present in a later special, because I am still awed by the high detailed casting. That is awesome work on 15mm metal figures for a great value prize !
So now I am a proud owner of:
2 T-34/85 obr 1943 Soviet Tanks
2 IS-2 obr 1943 Soviet Tanks
1 Platoon German Grenadiers (Winter uniform)
1 Platoon US Engineer Platoon
Several models from Sytex which I will present in a later special, because I am still awed by the high detailed casting. That is awesome work on 15mm metal figures for a great value prize !
Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013
Flames of War - Miniatures - What to do with your spare parts again ?
Heia !
Perhaps you recall the Comrade to comrade post on the Stalin Figure Objective Marker quite a while back. I still found more and more of my blister miniatures being around and not based. I still could not make out what to do with them as all bases are currently settled and filled with whatever miniature fixed to it..... and I really hate to build up a bits box.
While surfing the internet I found out about "Bolt Action" skirmish WW2 rules, browsed a few websites and found a couple of adjustments to fit sizing from 28mm to 15mm... and yeahh my spare minis got a new job.... The real investment here for me was the two cent piece which I will use as a base for them .
Rulebook is not that expensive and as Bolt Action is more a skirmish game with small units my investment here will be the rulebook only. Miniatures I already have !
Cheers for all the guys making 15mm WW2 wargaming that fantastic interesting !
Perhaps you recall the Comrade to comrade post on the Stalin Figure Objective Marker quite a while back. I still found more and more of my blister miniatures being around and not based. I still could not make out what to do with them as all bases are currently settled and filled with whatever miniature fixed to it..... and I really hate to build up a bits box.
While surfing the internet I found out about "Bolt Action" skirmish WW2 rules, browsed a few websites and found a couple of adjustments to fit sizing from 28mm to 15mm... and yeahh my spare minis got a new job.... The real investment here for me was the two cent piece which I will use as a base for them .
Rulebook is not that expensive and as Bolt Action is more a skirmish game with small units my investment here will be the rulebook only. Miniatures I already have !
Cheers for all the guys making 15mm WW2 wargaming that fantastic interesting !
Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2013
Flames of War - Painting - Basing Gebirgsjaeger Platoon
After all these tutorials on more or less huge things it is time to go back a bit to basics. As with
Gebirgsjäger Platoon (with Company HQ) (GE832)
I tried a bit to adapt terrain style with basing. First of all three things upfront:
a) This one was the Platoon with the worst cast I ever got from a battlefront blister including 2 miniatures that already broke of the stand
b) details are missing on the face etc.. which normally would be typical for battlefront
c) and that is the only plus in my opnion is the old usage of bases. I really do not like the new ones with the holes included as I want to base my minis the way I want and not am limited to the space provided.
So what does it take ?
- Sand
- Small stones from the garden space
- partysticks
- small branch of a tree from my garden space
- superglue
- PVA glue
Step one:
Arrange the things you like first on the empty base. I did a couple with stones upstanding, one with a tree going up and resting against a stone, one was a fallen treelog (large) and then two with fences (one still standing, the other one broken) and finally one with a log resting place for your ofen at home...
For the log place:
take your party sticks and cut of small pieces (please take care to at least try to get them nearly same sized). Glue the ground layer to the base with superglue. Plase two upstanding larger pieces (approx breast high of a miniature) on one side. Superglue other logs on top the first row always missing out the last at the end. Thats it.
For the Fence:
Cut one or two upstanding larger pieces. One if you intend it to be a broken one, two if there is need for one still standing. Take a good measurement on the things in between if you have two. Wait till dryed. Now superglue longer pieces (for the broken one I simply layed down one longer piece and glued the other approx to 45 degrees to the top one leaving some space to the top and adjusted the broken end to the lower part on the ground). If you have a standing one simply superglue two same sized longer stick parts to one side upstanding two logs.
For the fallen tree:
The fallen tree is a larger piece of wood. Simply superglued to the base
For the stones:
Please see what fits from your garden space. If you want to adjust a tree part to it as I did then simply take a small branch from a tree from your garden space.
Step two:
Superglue your painted miniatures to the base.... YEAH ! Let them blend into the terrain you built up earlier.
Step three:
Use some PVA Glue and cover your base with it including the small bases of the miniatures. Afterwards use the sand and put it gently over the glue and wait to dry.
Step four:
Paint as desired...and that does include the fences , stones etc... as well as the sand of course. If you feel unconfortable here just upfront make a 50-50 mix of PVA glue and water and soak the whole base with that. So everything really sticks heavily into place. Now paint.
Step five:
If you still feel crappy and something is missing, use flock or static grass to adjust the design of the base. In this case use PVA glue again and glue to the base whatever your heart and love to the minis and their base tells you.
Happy building !
Montag, 4. Februar 2013
Flames of War - Historical Scenario - Prelude to "Operation Weseruebung" Early War 1940 - 170th German Infantry Division
Hi all,
as we will focus on scenarios regarding "Operation Weseruebung" and follow up on the 170th German Infantry Division we will start a bit with a historical researched prelude on its contents :
170th Infantry Division
Military District X, Hamburg-Wandsbek in 1944 Rendsburg
Up: 01.12.1939 in Munster camp, Military District X, a division of 7.Welle replacement units with the Military District:
Infantry. 391 I-III. from rod / 225 Infantry Regiment Hamburg, I. Hamburg-Harburg, Lubeck II, III. Neumünster Infantry Regiment 399 I.-III. from rod / Infantry Regiment 22 Delmenhorst, Delmenhorst I., Oldenbwg II, III. Lueneburg light artillery battalion 240th
In January, the Division was the field replacement battalions 28 (Breslau) and 30 (Lübeck) and assigned to the Division by a full division (the 9th Battalion was missing) set:
Infantry Regiment 391 I. - III I./391, llI.391 and February 28
Infantry Regiment 399 I. - III. unchanged
Infantry Regiment 401 I. - Il. III./391 and from February 30
Artillery Regiment. 240 l - III. from Il. / Landw. Artillery Regiment. 311, Il. from light artillery division. 753 and IIL of light artillery division 240, units of the 240th Division
On 20.10.1940 was the divisional headquarters / Infantry Regiment 401, and Ill/.391 III./399 to
Statement of the 340th Infantry Regiment 695 Infantry Division (14th wave) from, as staff and 2 Battery / 240 Artillery Regiment, they were rebuilt as well 2I.l0.1940 on the missing III/401.
The artillery regiment was on the 11.12.l94O IV (severe) department. from the heavy artillery battalion 757th
On 28.02.1943 the III./401 was disbanded (deleted in the FpÜ until 08.12.1943), 1944
Also II./391 and III./399 (deleted in the first FpÜ Nov. 1944) and renamed in III./391 II./391;
on 03.02.1944 was the 9th and I 0 Luftwaffe Field Division have been incorporated.
The division thus consisted of divisions as new Article 44:
Grenadier Regiment 391 I, Il.
Grenadier Regiment I. 399, II
Grenadier Regiment 401 I, Il.
Division Fusilier Battalion 170 (from 240)
Artillery Regiment 240 I.-IV.
as we will focus on scenarios regarding "Operation Weseruebung" and follow up on the 170th German Infantry Division we will start a bit with a historical researched prelude on its contents :
170th Infantry Division
Military District X, Hamburg-Wandsbek in 1944 Rendsburg
Up: 01.12.1939 in Munster camp, Military District X, a division of 7.Welle replacement units with the Military District:
Infantry. 391 I-III. from rod / 225 Infantry Regiment Hamburg, I. Hamburg-Harburg, Lubeck II, III. Neumünster Infantry Regiment 399 I.-III. from rod / Infantry Regiment 22 Delmenhorst, Delmenhorst I., Oldenbwg II, III. Lueneburg light artillery battalion 240th
In January, the Division was the field replacement battalions 28 (Breslau) and 30 (Lübeck) and assigned to the Division by a full division (the 9th Battalion was missing) set:
Infantry Regiment 391 I. - III I./391, llI.391 and February 28
Infantry Regiment 399 I. - III. unchanged
Infantry Regiment 401 I. - Il. III./391 and from February 30
Artillery Regiment. 240 l - III. from Il. / Landw. Artillery Regiment. 311, Il. from light artillery division. 753 and IIL of light artillery division 240, units of the 240th Division
On 20.10.1940 was the divisional headquarters / Infantry Regiment 401, and Ill/.391 III./399 to
Statement of the 340th Infantry Regiment 695 Infantry Division (14th wave) from, as staff and 2 Battery / 240 Artillery Regiment, they were rebuilt as well 2I.l0.1940 on the missing III/401.
The artillery regiment was on the 11.12.l94O IV (severe) department. from the heavy artillery battalion 757th
On 28.02.1943 the III./401 was disbanded (deleted in the FpÜ until 08.12.1943), 1944
Also II./391 and III./399 (deleted in the first FpÜ Nov. 1944) and renamed in III./391 II./391;
on 03.02.1944 was the 9th and I 0 Luftwaffe Field Division have been incorporated.
The division thus consisted of divisions as new Article 44:
Grenadier Regiment 391 I, Il.
Grenadier Regiment I. 399, II
Grenadier Regiment 401 I, Il.
Division Fusilier Battalion 170 (from 240)
Artillery Regiment 240 I.-IV.
Sonntag, 3. Februar 2013
Poll Results
Thank you all who have voted for something new on this blogpage... and so it will be more historical scenarios.
Fantastic response and the vote was won with 6 votes in between.
After only one person replied to my post regarding what we will post next I will start of with "Operation Weseruebung" and the conquest of Denmark.
Afterwards we will turn over to the Kuban Bridgehead (and that leaves me some time to paint up my soviet naval infantry as well).
See you soon !
PS: Thanks Edwin for this outstanding afternoon at my place gaming ! Was a big fun !
Fantastic response and the vote was won with 6 votes in between.
After only one person replied to my post regarding what we will post next I will start of with "Operation Weseruebung" and the conquest of Denmark.
Afterwards we will turn over to the Kuban Bridgehead (and that leaves me some time to paint up my soviet naval infantry as well).
See you soon !
PS: Thanks Edwin for this outstanding afternoon at my place gaming ! Was a big fun !
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