and of course there are the allies :

Lt., 82nd Airborne, Sicilly, 1943
01 - M2 helmet with camouflage net
02 - M1942 jacket
03 - M1942 trousers
04 - M1934 wool shirt
05 - boots
06 - M1936 main belt with M1916 holster for the Colt M1911 pistol
07 - M1936 webbing
08 - M1A1 carbine
09 - M2A1 gas mask
10 - M1910 folding shovel
11 - M1942 canteen
12 - M1910 bag
13 - dog tags
14 - M1918 Mk I knife
15 - M1936 backpack

US infantry, 1942-1945
01 - M1 helmet
02 - M1934 shirt
03 - M1934 sweatshirt
04 - M1941 trousers
05 - service boots
06 - M1938 leggins
07 - M1926 life belt
08 - M1937 ammo belt
09 - M1924 personal dressing
10 - M1910 canteen
11 - gas mask bag
12 - M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle with M1907 belt
13 - armband
14, 15 - obvious <img title="Smile" src="" />
16 - shoulder badges:
A - 1st Armoured
B - 2nd Arm
C - 3rd Infantry
E - 34th Inf
F - 1st Inf

USMC private, Pacific, 1944
01 - M1 helmet with cover
02 - sweatshirt and trousers
03 - dog tags
04 - main belt with two canteens, personal dressing, ammo pouches and compass
05 - M41 backpack with blanket
06 - USMC leggins
07 - US Navy boots
08 - Mk II frag grenade
09 - 7,62 mm (.30) M1 carbine
10 - Collins knife-machette
Colours in Vallejo:
US Vallejo Colors
Mid-war, North Africa
Helmet 887 Brown Violet
Jacket and Waders 988 Khaki
Jackets 837 Pale Sand
Pants 873 US Field Drab
Belt and Webbing 886 Green Grey
882 Middlestone
Boots 984 Mahogany Bro
818 Red Leather
HBT shirt 893 Dark Green
NW Europe, D-Day and Beyond
Helmets 887 Brown Violet
Uniform 893 US Dark Green
Mackinaw Jacket 874 US Tan Earth
Webbing 914 Green Ochre
886 Green Grey
Boots and Scarves 846 Mahogany Brown Trousers 846 Mahogany Shoecaps Black
Windjacket 988
HBT overalls 893 US Dark Green
Helmet 887 Brown Violet
Goggles 872
Uniform 80% 882 Middlestone + 20% 893 US Dark Green
Webbing 886 Green Grey
Helmet 897 Brown Violet
Jump Boots 984 Flat Brown
Airborne Midwar and DDay
Uniform 977 Yellow
Jump Boots 879 Brown
Webbing 819 Iraqi Sand
Helmet 896 Dark Green
Buckles 790 Silver
Wood 879 Brown
Scabbard 968 Green
Elbow/Knee Patches 879 Green
Spade cover 819 Iraqi Sand
Holster 879 Brown
Gas Mask Bag Black, HL 994 Grey
Glider Troops
Jacket/Leggings 988 Khaki
Trousers 973 US Field Drab
Webbing 914 Green Ochre
886 Green Grey
Helmet 887 Brown Violet
Boots 984 Flat Brown
Camo Suit
Base 821 German Camo beige
Camo 984
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