Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

Flames of War - Finished Stug G from "Feuer Frei" Box

After yesterday AA painting assault I took my hands on the lately arrived new rulebook for Flames of War.
Fantastic is that it arrives in a special edition with 2 german StugG and 3 american Sherman tanks miniatures.
After reading through a couple of blogs and painting guides I finally settled down on a quite different way....
So Step by step:
Basecoating with grey. I used:
Lukas  Cryl Cold Grey 4191

Highlighting with
Waco Lightgrey

And using black wash by
Citadel GW Devlan Mud

The result was not so fascinating but would match every war movie you can watch with german tanks. Without Decals etc it looked a bit unfinished for me.

Afterwards it was waiting for the next day.

Now light basecoating , ok ok more like heavy drybrushing with
Vallejo 877 Gold Brown

Highlighting specials with
Vallejo 984 Flat Brown
Vallejo 920 German Uniform (watered down)
Citadel GW Chainmail

And Camouflage with
Vallejo 984 Flat Brown

And Drybrushing Camo with
Vallejo 828 Woodgrain Transp.

Here we go with the results before and after camo:

And after Camo + Drybrush

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